Pop pop boats and collectors tin toys  Pop pop boat history, info and sales.
The Pop-pop Pages The definitive site for pop-pop info.
Carol and Dallas' home page  Pics of Dallas's impressive collection.
TSS Earnslaw Pop-pop Boat  Web page for the remarkable TSS Earnslaw boat.
Science Toy Maker  Make a pop pop boat and learn pop pop facts.
Accueil Pop-Pops  French pop pop website!
Piot Information about the inventor Desiree Thomas Piot.
Pop pop en ronds A fun video of some pop pop boats on YouTube.
Everything you need to know about pop-pop boats A more informative YouTube video.
Buzz's Boatyard  Check it out for sales (including antique boats), film clips, a directory of other collectors and Buzz's own amazing collection of Sutcliffe boats!
Spacetin.com  US source of pop pop boats.
Tin Toy Company  Boat sales and information.
And finally... our friends at the Astaria model village: